February 9, 2023 -
Industry Members, Allies, and Supporters,
I am proud to announce that FRAC has filed suit in conjunction with SB Tactical, B&T USA, Rick Cicero, and a sizeable state coalition. As we’ve seen with similar cases like Cargill v. Garland, wherein FRAC, SB Tactical, and B&T USA all appeared as amici curiae, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals held that such regulatory overreaches are not within the ATF’s authority. We feel that there is a positive trend towards regulatory accountability in the Courts, and we are confident that the Courts will continue to hold the ATF accountable for their pattern of regulatory overreach and ever-shifting positions. Please visit fracaction.org/litigation to stay updated on all of our cases and legal filings as they progress through the Courts, and please consider donating through our website to help us in our mission.
In liberty,
Travis R. White
President & CEO