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Firearms manufacturers form new advocacy group to hold U.S. regulatory bodies accountable.

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

Press Release: Firearms manufacturers form new advocacy group to hold U.S. regulatory bodies accountable for creating harmful business environment.

October 6, 2020

Washington, D.C. - The Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition, Inc., (FRAC) was formed last week by industry members to fight against harmful firearms regulations and to hold U.S. regulatory agencies accountable for creating an unpredictable legal and business environment for firearms manufacturers and millions of gun owners in the United States.

The creation of FRAC is the direct result of years of secret and misguided efforts by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to enforce arbitrary, non-public determinations on firearms, ammunition and accessories that millions of law abiding Americans own and enjoy.

FRAC’s mission is to promote greater regulatory transparency in Washington and policies that support American small businesses and manufacturing jobs. FRAC will seek to work together with Congress and the Administration to develop sound policy that fosters innovation across all firearms product lines. But FRAC will stand up to the federal government when companies are on the receiving end of unwritten and arbitrary enforcement actions that undermine a predictable business environment.


TAKE ACTION: Learn more about issues impacting the industry and individuals across the nation at and urge the Justice Department to defend your rights here.




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