April 28, 2021
Recently, a draft of ATF proposed rules came to light that showed the extent to which the ATF is willing and planning to overturn longstanding rules and practices to come down on parts makers, gun makers, and law-abiding American gun owners. While 107 pages in length, we have reviewed the document and offer the summary below on what we believe is most relevant to members of the public. While the proposed rules cover a broad array of things, including many technical and record-keeping nuances specific to businesses with FFLs, we have boiled it down to the bottom line for consumers. Many of the proposed regulations are vague and highly subjective—something that is in and of itself problematic—so interpretations may vary and change as the proposed rules make their way through the process and evolve.
Click here to download proposed rule document and FRAC summary explanation.
TAKE ACTION: Learn more about issues impacting the industry at
http://atfaccountabilityact.com/ and urge your Member of Congress to defend your rights by
supporting The ATF Accountability Act of 2021.
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